Posted by Voyants | April 18, 2016
Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (VSPL) is pleased to share Accreditation under QCI-NABET Scheme. VSPL qualifies for Category-A EIA projects for Eight (08) sectors and are compliant withScheme for Accreditationof EIA Consultant Organizations:Version 3of NATIONAL ACCREDITATION BOARD FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING, QUALITY COUNCIL OF INDIA. Further, this accreditation is in-line with latest MoEF&CC notification S.O. 648 (E) dated 3rd March 2016. We have a robust pool of professional experts steered by 8 EIA Coordinators and 17 Functional Area Experts covering all the 12 functional area expertise (LU, AP, AQ, WP, EB, NV, SE, HG, GEO, SC, RH, SHW). The following sectors are accredited.