Posted by Voyants | August 28, 2013
VSPL has been hired by RICTCoE for Design and Supervision Consultancy for the construction of the Regional ICT Center of Excellence Kigali Campus in Rwanda.
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Posted by Voyants | December 17, 2012
We are pleased to inform you that we have bagged our first water supply design assignment in Sri Lanka funded by ADB.
Project details : Design of Raw and Treated Water Pumping System of 8 ML/ day capacity, including over 12km of transmission pumping mains and Design for Water Treatment Plant of 8.5ML/day capacity
With this assignment VSPL continues to mark its presence across globe in a very short span of time.
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Posted by Voyants | December 17, 2012
We are happy to announce opening up of a new subsidiary of VSPL in Kenya as “Voyants Solutions Kenya Limited”.
We are presently doing 3 assignments in Kenya i.e. 2 road design projects and a feasibility and master planning assignment of 5200 Acres SEZ. We have recently also won two more projects in Kenya. Kenya has a great business potential and through this company, we will be doing all domestic funded projects as well as assignments from all eastern African countries.
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Posted by Voyants | August 25, 2012
UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) has recently hired Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd to provide technical assistance for Bio-Medical waste Management in Jharkhand, India
The overall objective of the project is:-
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Posted by Voyants | August 25, 2012
VSPL has bagged 5 Project Management assignments from the Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL) in India. Assignment execution period ranges from 30 to 48 months and includes Track linking, Bridges, Electrical, Signalling & Telecommunication works. More than 200 professionals will be mobilised during the course of FY 2012. The Rail sections under VSPL Project Management are:
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Posted by Voyants | December 20, 2011
The Government of Côte D’Ivoire is envisioning acceleration in the pace of economic growth in the country by identifying a number of development and infrastructure project. Ile Boulay, an island spread over an area of 2000 Hectare, located in Abidjan – a Port city and the commercial capital of the country, has been selected as a potential site for development of a Port SEZ.
Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has been appointed by Ministry of Economic Infrastructure, Government of Cote d’Ivoire to carry out the Feasibility Study and Master Planning for the project.
An intensive Feasibility study is being carried out to identify
The proposed SEZ Master Plan contains
The utilities planned encompass Captive power generation, Effluent Treatment facilities, waste management plan, treated water supply, telecommunication infrastructure and state of the art transportation network; provision for future special infrastructure is also incorporated.
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Posted by Voyants | December 20, 2011
Voyants has been engaged as consultant by Ministry of Infrastructure, Abidjan, Republic of Côte d’ Ivoire for development of Growth Pole in North Côte d’ Ivoire. Tentative location of the Growth pole would be along the railway corridor and National Highway between Korhogo and Ferkessedougou towns of Côte d’ Ivoire.
The prime focus of Development of Growth Pole is to develop functional Zone at a location which serves not only a particular town but brings about an economic change in a bigger region. The proposed growth pole on the north of Côte d’ Ivoire, close to international border of Mali and Burkina Faso, shows significant characteristics to be developed as International Regional Growth Pole. Important features are (a) direct connectivity of the region with Abidjan port via railway and highway corridor (b) Good connectivity between the second most populous towns of the three bordering countries, namely Korhogo (Côte d’ Ivoire), Sikasso (Mali) and Banfora (Burkina Faso), which form the three vertex of the triangle. (c) Significant Population base of the cities within the influence region which can be looked as major Consumer and Workforce base. The location is more important because of the fact that Mali and Burkina Faso are big reserves of minerals and agriculture products and since both the countries are land locked, they have a major dependency on Côte d’ Ivoire for their trade through Abidjan port.
The primary objectives of this assignment are:
Activity 1: Study & Mapping of Existing Infrastructure Linkages
Mapping of the existing infrastructural linkages in the proposed Growth Pole region like rail & road network, water supply, power supply etc. shall be ascertained.
Mapping of the present status, potential & gaps with respect to various development components/ economic sectors/ clusters of the Project Area.
Assessment of the existing economic, social and physical infrastructure.
Activity 2: Regional Assessment for development of Growth Pole
Activity 3: Regional Appreciation:
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Posted by Voyants | July 28, 2011
Government of Guinea in process of developing primary sector seeking investment in agriculture sector to develop land for the plantation. Voyants is providing consultancy services for one of the investor in Guinea Conakry for Site Selection and Suitability Analysis for Rice, Palm and Rubber Plantation including land transfer process and other formalities in development of agri-farms.
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Posted by Voyants | July 2, 2011
Voyants appointed as Consultant for Rural Electrification Project in Guinea Bissau. Tasks include the design of 125 km of distribution lines, Sub-Stations of 30/10/6 kV, DTRs of 10 / 0.4 kV configuration, New LT Line (Bundled ABC Conductors) and New LT Service Connection. This is pilot project in the country funded by EXIM Bank of India.
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Posted by Voyants | June 25, 2011
Having worked on more than 17 assignments in Gabon and other international locations, VSPL has now developed comprehensive capabilities to design infrastructure projects (including buildings, roads, water, waste water, power-distribution & transmission) under French codes and specifications. Our teams have the capability to deliver reports in French.
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